Thursday, March 7, 2019

1993 team disposes of 1950 to move on to the World Series!

March Madness as the Cinderella 1993 team dispatches of the 1950 team four games to one!  The power of the 1993 hitters overwhelmed the strong starting pitching of the 1950 club.

Game 1 saw 1993 David Wells scatter 7 hits in a shutout of the 1950 team.   Travis Fryman and Chad Kreuter each homered for the 1993 team, and all batters except for Sweet Lou Whitaker had hits.  1993 wins 7-0.

3B Travis Fryman is the hero of Game 2

1950 held off 1993 in Game 2, winning 5-4  despite a 3 run 9th inning rally by the 1993 team.  1950 starter Art Houtteman did just enough to limit the hard-hitting 1993 team to just 4 runs despite garnering 10 hits.  1950's offense came from home runs from Pat Mullin, Vic Wertz (two HRs!), and Hoot Evers.

1993 takes Game 3 with a walk-off homer by Travis Fryman off of Hal Newhouser!  Storm Davis picked up the win  and pitched 2 1/3 shutout innings of relief. Alan Trammell added a homer and 3 RBIs.

1993 continued their momentum with a 12-4 thrashing of 1950.  They chased 1950 starter Fred Hutchinson after just 5 innings, and the game was essentially decided with a 7 run explosion for 1993 in the bottom of the sixth.  Fryman was the star again, with 2 hits, his 3rd homer of the series, 2 runs, and 3 RBIs.  Lou Whitaker went 4 for 5 and Alan Trammell clubbed his 2nd homer of the series.

1993 batters Art Houttemann again, chasing the 1950 starter in the second inning and cruising to an 8-3 win to win the series!  1993 rolled up 16 hits, and ALL batters recorded at least one hit.  Chad Kreuter go 3 for 5 with a homer, and Alan Trammell knocks his 3rd homer of the series.  David Wells gets his second win of the series. 1993 got some slick fielding as both Alan Trammell and Travis Fryman recorded web gems, robbing 1950 of two base hits.  The 1993 team batting average was .337 for this series, with 8 homers and 35 runs in the 5 games!!!!

Chad Kreuter hit .563 for the series!
Congrats Chuck!   1993 will now await the winner of the 1961-1946 Series, which will be played LIVE at my house in the next day or two!

Here is a good summation of the 1993 team, finished third in the league then but are standing tall now!

1993 Tigers season summary

SS Alan Trammell excels with the bat and the glove

Game 1 Boxscore
Game 2 Boxscore
Game 3 Boxscore
Game 4 Boxscore
Game 5 Boxscore

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