Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Best Tiger hurlers of all time!

Some Tiger aces (clockwise) - Verlander, Lolich, Newhouser, Morris, and Bridges
I knew the names Hooks Dauss and George Mullin from endless hours reading baseball books and almanacs with my brothers but this league is giving me a real appreciation for them and other Tiger pitchers I didn't really know (Earl Whitehill, Tommy Bridges, etc.)

Not sure this is the best list ever, but this is an interesting take on the ten best long-term Tiger pitchers ever!  Click here to see Pro Basesball Detroit's blog on the ten best Tiger pitchers of all time!

Bonus:  apparently Mario Impemba was contributing to this blog (although I think he may be done with that gig nowadays!).  Anyway, click here to see Mario's essay on Ed Summers!

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